Advantage Healthcare – Yorkshire has received a ‘Good’ CQC rating following an inspection in January 2020. Healthcare professionals at the hub have worked in teams to provide care at home services to over 30 adults and children in the last year.

The service received a ‘Good’ rating for in each CQC inspection category – Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led.

The CQC report found that:

The service continued to have a positive impact on people’s lives. We received positive feedback from people using the service, their relatives and healthcare professionals about staff being kind and “going the extra mile”.

The provider was caring for people with very complex health conditions. Their care plans were detailed, and person centred; these were updated when required.

There was an open and person-centred culture in the organisation.

Staff enjoyed working for the provider – Advantage Healthcare – and told us they felt well supported by a regular programme of training, assessment of competencies and supervision.

(Extract from CQC report, January 2020)

Advantage Healthcare’s service in Yorkshire is managed by Sue Williamson, a registered nurse who joined this organisation in 2018.

Advantage Healthcare Chief Nurse, Joanna Grant, said:

“Regaining a ‘Good’ CQC rating is thoroughly deserved for this hard working and close knit team. Both our office staff and client care staff have had a busy year managing our existing packages and setting up new ones.

“Registered Manager Sue Williamson has led a number of initiatives such as a team strategy day, setting up an informal carers support group and championing ongoing learning and development for our healthcare professionals.” To read the full CQC report visit

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